My dad who usually doesn’t
do this, today, while munching some cucumber suddenly asked me about my new
blog post. I thought the kind of posts I was posting these days wasn’t really
his genre. But since he asked, I had to answer which I didn’t because I didn’t
have any. Even this isn’t supposed to be a post considering I am not writing it
for that purpose. These are just words which because of the technological
advancement are getting typed instead of flowing out of a pen. A fountain pen
precisely. I personally feel the posts that are the most random and are
absolutely unplanned are the most effective. They in a way define your thinking
which in turn defines you. The world outside is judgemental and so it shall
judge you.
And mind you, these
judgements can be based on anything. Use a few vulgar or abusive words in your
statement and those words will be the basis on which you will be measured as a
person. A judgement is formed and no matter how hard you try you cannot escape
it. Social media makes you handicap that way. You can’t really go out there and
be open and bland with your views because “what will others think?” it’s pretty
obscure how this world functions. Whatever you do is implicated in ways beyond
your imagination. You have to express your anger in words that do not hurt
other’s sentiments and still make an impact.
The mere point of the whole
situation is lost. Okay, here’s an example for you. Judge yourself.
Example : Gaddafi was a f****ng B*****d. Glad he’s dead.
Gaddafi was a bad man. Glad he’s dead.
Gaddafi was a bad man. Glad he’s dead.
Well the first option makes an impact for me. Could be anything for you. Depending on how you perceive things and people.
These are just a bunch or
words that will make for another blog post. Was trying to write something on
the lines of stream of consciousness. Don’t know if this fits the bill.
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